Screening at Branford CT
आज August 4th Saturday 2018 दिन यस Society of Nepalese in America र Sacred Heart University द्वारा एक दिने “Medical Evaluation Questionnaire Physical Therapy Screening Program” अत्यन्त उत्साहजनक सहभागीताका साथ सम्पन्न भएको शुभ-समाचार जानकारी गराउन पाउंदा म अत्यन्त हर्षोल्लीत हुंदै यस कार्यक्रम सफल बनाउन Sacred Heart University बाट श्रध्दा राणाको नेतृत्वमा आउनु भएका professor लगायत संपुर्ण टिम प्रती हार्दिक आभार तथा धन्यबाद ज्ञापन गर्दछु । त्यस्तै आफ्नो पेशागत सिपलाई सदुपयोग गर्दै सहयोग पुर्याउने निशा राणा,अभिषेक ठाकुर, अाशिष्ना खड्का एवं यस कार्यक्रमलाई अत्यन्त ब्यवस्थीत बनाउन स्वयं सेवकको भुमीका निर्वाह गर्ने बिद्यालय तथा बिश्वबिद्यालय स्तरका भाई बहिनीहरुलाई पनी हृदय देखी धन्यबाद दिन चाहन्छु । यस Society को कार्य समितीका संपुर्ण साथीहरु, त्यस्तै प्रमुख सल्लाहकार लगायत संपुर्ण सल्लाहकार ज्युहरु, यसैगरी कार्यक्रम अबधिभर बिभीन्न किसीमको सहयोग पुर्याउने यस Society का सल्लाहकार श्रीमती शान्ता राणा लगायत उहॉंको परिवार, कार्यक्रमलाई सफल बनाउन क़रीब ५० जनाको हाराहारीमा आफ्नो ब्यस्थताको बावजूद Physical Therapy संबन्धी सैध्दान्तिक तथा ब्यबहारीक ज्ञान लिन २०/२२ को उमेर देखी ७५/८० उमेर भित्रका बृध्द बुबा मुमा लगायत सहभागी संपुर्ण दाजु भाई तथा दिदी बहिनीहरुमा एकमुष्ट धन्यबाद दिन चाहान्छु ।🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
राम चन्द्र श्रेष्ठ
अमेरिकी नेपाली समाज
Medical Evaluation Questionnaire Physical Therapy Screening Program
On August 4th 2018, The Society of Nepalese in America (SNA) in conjunction with Sacred Heart University DPT Program conducted a Physical Therapy Screening Program in Branford, CT. The purpose of the event was to provide a free comprehensive screening that would determine and treat patients who had lower back issues, but would also provide a through medical wellness checkup as a component of the screening to the Nepalese community in Branford, CT. This program is the very first health benefit program hosted in the community.
The program was organized by Mrs. Shradha Rana who herself was attending Sacred Heart studying in the Doctorate in Physical Therapy (PT) Program. Through conversations with her professors, advisors and faculty she was able to secure the support of Sacred Heart University. They were able to coordinate with Mr. Ram Shrestha, president of SNA to organize the logistics of the event as well as manage the coordination among different parties. She says, “without whom this event would not have been possible.”
The event took place Saturday August 4th at the Days Inn Conference Hall at 375 E Main St, Branford, CT. The use of the hall was generously given by Mr. Heeran Chapatwala. Overall, despite very inclement weather the program was a great success drawing over 43 individuals throughout the course of five hours. The event was attended by 4 clinicians - Physical Therapist to supervised 6 third year DPT students who all volunteered from Sacred Heart University.
During the session, the patients were given a full medical evaluation by medical volunteers managed by Medical student Mr. Abhishek Thakur from the Quinnipiac University, School of Medicine and supervised by Ms. Nisha Rana, MPAS, PA-C from Midstate Hospital. This was to evaluate the general baseline health status of individuals. After collecting this information, they were either allowed entry to the PT screening or where evaluated for further issues. There were also more than 20 most capable youth volunteers from the community who donated their time and effort for this health program.
The program was a great success, with over 45 individuals registered and more than 43 screened.
Many of these individuals had not had proper medical screening in quite some time, either due to the lack of resources or other hardships. For many, this was the first medical screening they had in over five years. The feedback received from the Sacred Heart DPT program and the SNA community has facilitated the discussion for hosting more of these collaborative efforts in the future.