Anju Thakur
Mrs.Anju Thakur
Mrs. Anju Thakur appointed for the post of president of SNA
Sept 27, 2020 Sunday.
Special board meeting was called by SNA on September 27, 2020 Sunday at Kamana Indian Restaurant, Guilford CT at 7:30 pm. About 25 executive board members and advisory members were presented at the meeting. Since, Mr. Ram Chandra Shrestha was appointed as RTM of Branford Town CT, He wanted to transfer his presidency to Mrs. Anju Thakur, senior vice president of SNA. All attendees, nominated her to take over presidency. There were no other candidates against this post. Finally, Mrs. Anju Thakur accepted this presidency post as per bylaws of SNA. Most of Nepalese community, one person are holding several posts, this is one of the example shown by SNA that Mr. Ram Chandra Shrestha easily handed over his post. Again, only few community has a women president. The meeting concluded after having delicious Indian/Nepalese foods, drinks.